

Learn Core, the 4th of 5 basic energy skills that support your presence. Core is your most aligned self, who you truly are. Learn to connect with the felt sense of your core. Identify your Soul Archetypes, the living spirit behind your relationships, dreams, projects, goals and profession. Your soul archetypes are your most natural way to devote yourself to life. A healthy core supports your secure attachment with self, purpose, and beloveds. It supports you to "measure" your capacity as you discern who and what to focus on.

This is part of the presence and secure attachment skill series. Core is inspired by Teeni Dakini, Steven Kessler, Lynda Caesara, as well as my experience as a yoga, dance, and pilates teacher. Soul Archetypes have evolved from my work and coach training with Dr. Maria Nemeth at the Academy for Coaching Excellence. I'm delighted to weave these somatic, energetic, spiritual, and neuro trainings together.

* Clarity about your path & your north star
* Ease discerning what opportunities are aligned
* Acceptance & grace saying no without fomo
* Notice when you may contribute from a trauma response as a victim or martyr
* Shift to contribute from your soul calling, offer the gift you came here to offer
* More capacity to "measure," to tell the truth about your time, money, & energy
* A felt sense of your purpose in your body in connection with something bigger than you
* Motivation & joy

Our time together includes breathwork, abdominal work, as well as working with an online inventory. To prepare: clear space to lay on the floor, wear clothes you enjoy moving in & join from a computer where you can open & edit a document.

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