Learn Ground, the first of 5 basic energy skills that support your presence. Attention moves energy. These skills support the instrument of your being to function energetically. This work is inspired by Teeni Dakini, Steven Kessler, and Lynda Caesara.
The more you practice, the more:
* ease you'll find in being your true essence
* you will be able to notice when you "leave"
* you will have more skill to shift from pattern back to presence
* increase your capacity to give and receive energy with clarity
* you will be able to center, so you can discern what you really desire
* energy & focus for the projects & relationships that are most important
Our time together includes:
* intro to the 5 patterns (safety strategies) that take us out of presence
* practice ground
* homework prompts to grow your self practice
Learn Ground, the first of 5 basic energy skills that support your presence. Attention moves energy. These skills support the instrument of your being to function energetically. This work is inspired by Teeni Dakini, Steven Kessler, and Lynda Caesara.
The more you practice, the more:
* ease you'...