Art of Acknowledgement for Lovers

Art of Acknowledgement for Lovers

Create more trust, permission, and connection as a lover.

This workshop is for individuals and couples. It will give you a chance to learn and practice the art of acknowledgement as a lover. For many of us words of acknowledgement are the doorway to feeling seen, loved, and cherished. Being skilled at acknowledgement supports bonding, relational repair, and lubricates the resilience of our partnerships and loverships.
Do you have a beloved who’s love language is words of affirmation and acknowledgement? This workshop will give you a tool so you can speak their love language!

The secret is that you can only say what you see. This workshop gets to the root of how you see someone. It gives you a life changing tool to see from your heart, so what you say naturally builds love and trust. We will be focusing on this tool specifically in the context of romantic and sexual partnership. Everyone is welcome regardless of relationship status, this tool is for all of us.

We will practice the art of acknowledgement in response to someone sharing:
* a relationship or sexual desire
* a relationship or sexual concern

As you practice this tool the world will likely get sexier and friendlier. Most people practicing this tool report a heart softening and more connection. If you have ever felt like a creep, and you come to this workshop, your sexual and relational desires will be held with love and you will be accepted for who you are.

Cultural Context and Opportunity:

My work is devoted to replacing a culture of abandonment with a culture of humanity (see image at

Acknowledgement is not a compliment about someone’s superficial “mainstream beauty,” that might reinforce skinny, able-bodied, or gender norms. The art of acknowledgement as we practice here is about seeing and reflecting the beauty of who someone really is at a soul level. By acknowleding what moves us about someone, we are cutting through the social norms about beauty. We are creating a compassionate space for people to clarify their own wise desires about sex and relationship, not the default society norms. We are creating a culture of compassion through the way we see and acknowledge each other.
The more we look at each other from our hearts, the more we liberate ourselves from the eyes of systemic oppression. Come learn how our sexy acknowledgements can be part of a revolution.

Image from Huffington Post

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Art of Acknowledgement for Lovers